If You Haven’t Asked About Invisalign®, Now’s the Time

When teeth are crooked, the resulting impacts can affect almost every aspect of your oral health. These impacts grow worse over time, so waiting to straighten them may only make the condition worse. However, many teen and adult patients may still hesitate out of fear of wearing orthodontic braces. At our Springfield, OH, dental office, we offer a wide range of orthodontic treatments designed to optimize treatment results while also making it as comfortable and convenient as possible. These include customized Invisalign® clear aligners, which don’t require brackets and wires, and can remain discreet throughout the course of your treatment.

If you haven’t addressed your crooked teeth yet

Teeth may grow crooked in young and older adults for a number of different reasons, and the longer it’s left untreated, the more crooked they can become. The impacts of this alignment don’t just affect your smile’s appearance; they can also impact your bite function, the health and integrity of your teeth, and much more. If you’ve hesitated to straighten your crooked up until now, then you shouldn’t wait any longer to ask your dentist about Invisalign® treatment, and whether you qualify for the more discreet clear aligner system.

If you’re having an orthodontic relapse

If you’ve undergone orthodontic treatment before as a child, then the fact that your teeth are becoming misaligned again may not be as surprising. Known as orthodontic relapse, this may also occur for a number of different reasons. Yet, for many patients, the fact that they’ve worn braces before may be even more reason to hesitate to wear them again. Fortunately, patients who’ve previously undergone orthodontic treatment are often prime candidates for Invisalign® treatment. In addition to the discretion of barely being noticeable, the aligners can also be removed to make tasks like eating and brushing teeth much more convenient.

If you have a teen who needs orthodontic treatment

Older teens who’ve teeth and oral structures have already fully developed may also be viable candidates for Invisalign® clear aligners as an alternative to braces. If you have an older teen who needs orthodontic treatment, then choosing clear aligners can make treatment much more convenient for them and yourself. Because there are no arch wires to tighten, you may not have to schedule routine maintenance visits as often as you would with traditional orthodontic braces.

Ask us about the benefits of Invisalign®

Straightening crooked teeth is something you should never postpone, and with Invisalign® clear aligners, you can correct them more comfortably and discreetly. To learn more, schedule a visit by calling North Spring Dental in Springfield, OH, today at 937-399-3800.

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