iTero Scanner: Who It Helps

In a general sense, the iTero Scanner will help anyone who is seeking orthodontic work or requires impressions for other reasons. If you’re not up to speed just yet: It’s a handheld scanner that gathers digital impressions of your teeth. This means you can say goodbye to the metal-tray-and-putty days of impressions and hello to quick, easy scanning. Not sure what makes this so exciting? Consider those particular patient concerns that make seeking impressions a bit overwhelming and you’ll start to see what makes the iTero such a relief.

Minor Claustrophobia

Are you someone who deals with claustrophobia when it comes to dental care? If so, you may find that the need to sit for a long period of time with trays and putty in your mouth simply will not work for you. Fortunately, the iTero Scanner is small, comfortable, and quick, so no problem!

Dental Anxiety

Anxiety regarding dental care is quite common. Feeling anxious about goopy impressions is also very common. There is no need to feel concerned when you receive digital impressions with the iTero Scanner. You’ll lie back as usual and can even move when you need to! It’s a relaxing experience.

Strong Gag Reflex

Have a strong gag reflex? If so, then you are likely someone who crosses your arms and shakes your head “no way!” when traditional impressions are suggested. The iTero will not cause you to gag, so you’re in good shape.

Dislike Of Goopy Things

Yep, we said it. It’s not very clinical in nature but sometimes, the sensation of goop in a patient’s mouth is extremely displeasing. If this sensation deeply bothers you, then you’re in luck. There’s no goop to be found with iTero! Just a quick scan and you’re done.

See Us For Easy Digital Impressions

We offer the iTero Scanner for gathering digital impressions, so seeking orthodontic work and other care is a breeze. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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