The Benefits of a Professional Dental Cleaning

Cleaning your teeth keeps them safe and healthy when faced with the threat of bacteria. As bacteria build up, they can cause cavities and gum disease. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing your teeth can remove this bacterial buildup and prevent the development of cavities. A daily cleaning schedule at home is vital to your oral health. Additionally, a professional dental cleaning will help keep your teeth cavity free. There are many benefits that come with professional examinations and cleanings, which is why you should schedule them every six months.

Professional Cleanings Reach More of Your Mouth

Even the best teeth brushers still struggle to reach some of the surfaces in their mouth. Your back molars may be tricky to reach adequately while brushing. Some of your teeth may be crowded, and the overlapping surfaces can be difficult to brush and floss. While you may be doing an okay job of cleaning your teeth at home, a professional cleaning gives you a more thorough clean. Removing buildup from these difficult-to-reach surfaces reduces your cavity risk and can give your teeth a fresh start in a sense.

Professional Cleanings Include More Preventive Steps

A professional cleaning through your dentist is so much more than just brushing and flossing. During your professional cleaning, your dentist will evaluate the state and structure of your teeth. During this process, your dentist can check on any dental appliances you have, like fillings and crowns, to ensure that they’re still in good condition. In addition to a visual examination, your dentist can use tools like low-radiation digital x-rays to get a better picture of your teeth and their structure.

Professional Cleanings Keep Your Future in Mind

The immediate effects of a professional dental cleaning can protect and restore your teeth. Professional cleanings also keep your future oral health in mind. During your professional cleaning, your dentist can check for signs of gingivitis. Your dentist can also screen for oral and throat cancer. If your dentist finds a developing issue, they can thoroughly explain your treatment options and potential timelines. Your dentist can also recommend customized preventive treatment, based on your individual situation, to keep your teeth healthy for the future.

Schedule a Professional Dental Cleaning at North Spring Dental

A professional dental cleaning has immediate benefits for your teeth, and it can protect them for the future. You should schedule a professional dental cleaning and examination every six months, and most dental insurance plans will cover these visits.


Dr. Afshan Ahmed and the team at North Spring Dental welcome you and your family to a different kind of dental care experience. Our practice is one in which you can rest assured that you will enjoy a relaxing, personalized visit. To find out more about our comprehensive general, orthodontic, and family dentistry services, call our dental office in Springfield, OH today at 937-399-3800.

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