What Kind of Smile Do You Want?

Many people have small imperfections in their smiles that they’d like to correct. You may have a specific list of cosmetic improvements that you’d like to see, or you may just wish that your smile stood out more (in a good way) in photographs. In either case, cosmetic dentistry can make small adjustments to your teeth that improve the overall aesthetics of your smile. However, it’s helpful to know what you want out of your smile. If you know that you want a bright, bold set of teeth, that may involve one set of procedures. If you want a more lifelike, naturalistic smile, it may involve a different set of treatments. What kind of smile do you want?

Teeth Whitening Can Bleach Staining and Make a Statement

Professional teeth whitening can make a dramatic difference when it comes to the appearance and shine of your smile. Professional teeth whitening methods are designed to bleach the pigment that has built up inside your dental enamel. Depending on what you’re after, teeth whitening can be used to create a bold, beautiful statement with your smile. Many dentists offer both at-home and in-office whitening treatment. In-office whitening treatment can be fast and efficient. At-home treatment works well for those with busy schedules who want to whiten on their own time.

Reconstructive Dentistry Can Rebuild a Damaged Smile

In some cases, the conditions impacting the quality of your smile are much more significant than a couple shades of color. If you’ve got structural issues that are impacting your smile, or your teeth have suffered damage from an accident, reconstructive dentistry may help. Imaging technology that measures your mouth can be used to generate a 3-D model of your teeth and jaw. Your dentist can use this technology to create a plan that will rebuild the structure and aesthetics of your smile.

Simple Adjustments to Your Teeth Can Create Powerful Results

You don’t necessarily need a brand new set of teeth to improve your smile. There are gentle, minimally invasive cosmetic treatments that can be used to augment your teeth slightly and improve your smile. The simple adjustments made by dental bonding and contouring can have a transformative effect. These procedures gently shape or add to the volume of your dental enamel to give you a more proportional, pleasing smile. Sharp edges, teeth that are noticeably shorter, and teeth that have suffered small cracks can all be restored cosmetically with bonding and contouring.

Choose Cosmetic Treatment that Works at North Spring Dental

Choosing cosmetic dentistry treatment is a matter of deciding what kind of smile you want. At North Spring Dental, we take special care to get to know each of our patients, listening to their needs and concerns. If you’re interested in cosmetic dental treatment, start with a consultation at North Spring Dental.


Dr. Afshan Ahmed and the team at North Spring Dental welcome you and your family to a different kind of dental care experience. Our practice is one in which you can rest assured that you will enjoy a relaxing, personalized visit. To find out more about our comprehensive general, orthodontic, and family dentistry services, call our dental office in Springfield, OH today at 937-399-3800.

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