3 Oral Health Problems To Treat Right Now!  

Of course, the best time to treat any oral health problem is right now. However, our Springfield, OH team knows that there are certain issues that come up for patients that are frequently ignored for some time. There are unique circumstances that cause individuals to assume they have lots of time or that the issue isn’t “so bad,” so waiting is probably no biggie. The truth is, treating smile concerns during this period, when serious damage, discomfort, and other symptoms have not yet occurred is the best time for treatment because once a problem takes hold, it will only continue to progress. Let’s review some examples, so you remember to hop to it, should you need our care!

#1: TMJ Disorder

Whether you recognize on your own that you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ disorder or if we notice symptoms when we see you for a dental checkup, one thing is certain: The sooner you begin to receive care for this oral health issue, the better. You may think to yourself that you barely notice a problem, so you should probably just wait to see how things unfold. From our professional perspective, however, you should begin protecting your jaw joints immediately. The early signs of dysfunction (such as a bit of discomfort, jaw fatigue, or even a popping sound) can quickly evolve into serious discomfort and even damage. Stop it before it advances, so you can return to your best smile health and function!

#2: That Tiny Cavity

So, we informed you during your recent visit that you have a cavity. Good news! You found out that the tooth decay has just begun and it’s just a small cavity. We mentioned that we would really like you to come back in ASAP, so we can give you a small filling, so your oral health is safe again! What you might hear is, “you have all the time in the world!” However, what we want you to hear is, “you can avoid losing more tooth tissue, ending up with an infection and a root canal, or dealing with a broken tooth if you see us right away!”

#3: Puffy Gums

You may not know for sure what this oral health problem is. What you do know for sure is that something isn’t really right with your gum tissue. Remember, when you notice puffy gums in your own mouth or if you notice that your child’s gums appear puffy (or any other gum tissue changes happen, such as a change in color), it’s to your benefit to see us ASAP. It might not look too terrible. However, remember that it is to your benefit to treat any gum health issues (such as gingivitis) right away. Looks can be deceiving! Ignoring it leaves your smile vulnerable to serious destruction. Treating it returns you to excellent oral health!

Treat All Smile Health Issues ASAP

Don’t wait, procrastinate, or simply ignore oral health problems just because they don’t seem extremely pressing. See us as soon as you recognize a problem is developing and impacting you, so we can keep your smile healthy with ease! Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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