3 Tips For Keeping Your Smile Bright

Do you have a smile full of natural teeth? Perhaps that smile includes a crown or two. Maybe you are someone who has received a full set of veneers. You might have even come in for teeth whitening! Whatever your smile looks like, the last thing you want to worry about is suddenly seeing it looking drab and dingy. You will be pleased to learn that regardless of how much natural or artificial tissue comprises your smile, keeping it looking brilliant is quite simple. Take a few very helpful (and easy to accomplish) tips to heart, so your smile continues to beam. Need additional help? Schedule a dental care visit with our team.

Tip #1: Get Back To Dental Hygiene Basics

It’s all about getting down to dental hygiene basics and remaining extremely consistent with your dental care. When you brush (2x a day) and floss (1x a day) thoroughly, you remove staining food particles, plaque, and you limit the amount of tartar that may form on your teeth. As a result, teeth remain clean and your smile keeps shining.

Tip #2: Don’t Overlook Your Professional Cleanings

Your dental care at home provides a substantial amount of protection for white teeth. However, you also require professional dental care to ensure your teeth are as clean as possible. Professional cleanings get down to the details that your brush and floss cannot address at home, so your smile is completely clean again when you leave our practice.

Tip #3: Remember, Staining Foods Really Will Stain

Years of marinara sauce, red wine, cola, coffee, tea, berries, cocoa, and more eventually result in some discoloration. Keep in mind that you can help keep your smile bright by simply limiting how frequently you expose your smile to these foods and beverages.

Keep Your Smile Nice And Bright

Coming in for a visit will provide you with your essential dental cleaning and all the details you need to maintain a vibrant smile. Ready for your visit in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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