Strong, Stronger, Strongest: Keeping Teeth Safe!

It would be so very wonderful if your teeth were little superheroes that could remain strong and intact without any effort on your part. However, this is just not the way smiles work! The good news, though, is that protecting your teeth from serious problems like weakening and the formation of tooth cracks isn’t as difficult as it may seem. To make sure you understand how to keep teeth healthy and how to avoid accidental complications, we’re happy to share the necessary steps it takes.

Preventing Problems

Of course, doing your best to prevent problems like weakened enamel (the outermost layer of your teeth) and tooth cracks requires the same approach we suggest for keeping your teeth clean and healthy. Let’s review to ensure you’re on the right track:

  • Keep your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks to a minimum (they weaken your enamel)
  • Clean your smile twice daily (this should include brushing twice and flossing once)
  • Come see us two times each year for a dental checkup and dental cleaning (space visits apart by about six months)
  • If something looks too hard or chewy or sticky, don’t try to chew it
  • Do your best to avoid habits like biting your fingernails or snacking on ice, as this can lead to damage
  • Check out this fun reminder, so teeth stay intact!

When It’s Time For Restorative Care

You might think that you don’t really need restorative care until your tooth breaks or something hurts. This isn’t the case! Instead, you need treatments like fillings or crowns the moment your teeth are no longer in excellent condition to keep teeth structurally sound. Consider the following examples:

  • You have a small cavity, which leaves your tooth vulnerable to breaking or cracking. Allow us to fill it immediately to prevent injury.
  • You already have a small tooth crack, which means the crack is going to worsen and could result in an infection. Let us place the crown that you need right away in order to prevent further damage.

Regular Visits Offer Immense Smile Protection

By taking care of your smile and coming in for consistent dental visits, you can keep ahead of potential damage by practicing effective prevention and receiving restorations when necessary. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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