Bad Breath and What to Do About It

Bad breath can sometimes be a minor annoyance that is eliminated with a piece of sugar free gum or a breath mint, and a reminder to keep certain foods off the menu. Other times, it can be a symptom that something is going on, and needs attention from a caring family dentist in Springfield, OH. Our experienced dentists, Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Roof can help restore your breath to a pleasant state, and preventive care helps keep breath at its best.

What You Can Do At Home

If you occasionally notice bad breath, it may be due to environmental and behavioral factors. If you are wondering whether to make an appointment, please feel assured we are always happy to have your visit our convenient office. You can also try a few things at home:

  • Food Affects Breath: Avoid foods like garlic and onions, or any that you find leave you with breath odor. 
  • Poor Brushing Can Affect Breath: Every time you eat, small crumbs of food remain in your mouth. Natural oral bacteria breakdown these tiny bits, and can result in unpleasant smell. Make sure you are brushing adequately and properly using dental floss every single day.
  • Brush Your Tongue: Food deposits on the tongue can lead to bad breath.
  • Drink Lots of Water: Between brushings, drinking plenty of water helps saliva do the job of rinsing your teeth. Not only does water do the rinsing, but keeping hydrated helps insure adequate saliva production.

How Your Dentist Can Help

If breath odor continues to be a problem after changing a few habits, call our trusted dental team so we can assess the situation. Bad breath can be a sign of a cavity that needs to have a dental filling put in place. Chronic bad breath is also a sign of gum disease. We can perform deeper dental cleanings than you could do at home, and make sure tartar and infection are removed from the teeth roots. 

Be Honest With Us

We find sometimes patients are reluctant to admit habits, because they think we will be judgmental. In reality, whatever you are hesitant to tell us: we have probably heard it before. Perhaps you are a weekend smoker. Patients tell us flossing is painful so they don’t do it. Certain medicines have dry mouth as a side effect. Please let us know your full medical and personal situation when you come in.

You Don’t Have To Live With Bad Breath

Fresher breath might be as close as a breath mint away. If not, we have answers to share, so you don’t have to worry when others are nearby. If bad breath troubles you, schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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