Digital Imaging: What Makes It Different?

When you learn that our preventive care includes the use of digital imaging, you may think to yourself that this sounds very modern and impressive. However, if you’re not sure what this really means, you are certainly missing out on some surprising details! We would love to fill you in on some of the exciting specifics, so you recognize that advancements in dental technology (such as digital X-rays) really have quite a beneficial impact on you and the world at large.

How It Affects You

Digital imaging is safer and faster than conventional imaging, which means your preventive care is more precise, more comfortable, and more convenient. Here’s why:

  • We gather images with the use of computers, so we gain access to the image nearly instantly
  • Once we have the image in our computer system, we may take a closer look with the help of software for accurate diagnoses and planning
  • If we need to forward the images to a specialist, we can do so instantly through email instead of time-consuming physical mail
  • Digital imaging releases a much smaller amount of radiation, so it is safer for you

How It Impacts The World

The world is becoming greener by the day, which means that as a whole, humankind is seeking out ways to conserve energy, to create less waste, and to protect our planet. Fortunately, by relying on digital imaging, we may provide you with the preventive care you need, while protecting the environment. Here’s how:

  • We don’t need to use film, so the imaging creates little to no waste
  • We don’t need to process any film, so we release no processing chemicals into the environment when we gather images of your smile

Receive Advanced, Modern Dental Care

Receive preventive care with the use of advanced imaging, so you can rest easy that we are protecting you and the environment. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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