Bad Breath: Where Does It Come From?

Have you been feeling the need to cover your mouth with your hand lately or back up when you’re talking to others? If bad breath is affecting your daily life and you cannot seem to return to your usually fresh-as-a-daisy smile, the issue can become a frustrating one. Learn more about what might be causing the problem and remember to schedule a visit with us for additional help solving the issue.

Pungent Foods

Smelly foods like garlic can cause temporary bad breath. Skip these types of foods or rinse, brush, and floss after meals to improve your breath’s freshness.

Dry Mouth

What is this? Well, it’s a disorder that results in dry oral tissues, which comes from low saliva production or saliva that dries out once it is present. The causes are numerous, including medication side effects, congestion (and associated mouth breathing), dehydration, and more. It allows bacteria, which are usually washed away, to accumulate in your mouth. If you know anything about oral bacteria, an overgrowth becomes quite smelly. Talk with your doctor and our team for a solution.

Poor Dental Hygiene

If you don’t care for your smile with daily brushing (twice) and flossing (once), plaque and food debris will be left on your teeth, between your teeth, and on your tongue. As the organic substances break down and bacteria remain in place, foul odors will emanate from your mouth in the form of bad breath. Follow dental hygiene suggestions and see us for cleanings to prevent this issue.

Post-Nasal Drip

You may end up with some not-so-pleasant breath as a result of post-nasal drip. While you cannot do anything with your dental hygiene to address the problem, you may clear up the bad breath by clearing up your congestion. Speak with your general practitioner for a solution to your upper respiratory concern.

Combat Bad Breath With Our Help

Come in for a visit if you’re having a problem with bad breath, so we can clear up the issue for you. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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