Don’t Ignore Gum Changes! See Us Soon. 

When all is well with your gum health, you probably won’t spend very much time thinking about your gums. They’ll display a pale pink color, they won’t feel like much of anything, and you’ll just go about your usual brushing, flossing, and other daily tasks like you usually do. However, when you look up one day and realize, possibly during a dental hygiene session, that something is off, you may not know how to react. Should you panic? Dismiss what you’ve noticed altogether? Actually, neither of those is your best bet. Instead, our Springfield, OH team encourages you to take a deep breath, remember that there’s always an answer within the world of smile care, and get in touch with us ASAP!

When Your Gums Feel Different

Generally speaking, your gums probably don’t register in your thoughts as feeling any particular way. If someone were to ask, you might say that they feel neutral. However, when you realize that they feel different, which may mean they feel sensitive, tender, uncomfortable, sore, etc., it’s time to come in to see our team. The arrival of a change in sensation frequently means you need help with an issue like gingivitis. Care for it immediately and you’ll get your gum health back on track with ease.

When Your Gums Look Different

Seeing a transition from your usually healthy looking gums to something else is a surefire sign that your gums are not in as good of condition as they can achieve. Particularly gums that appear irritated, such as those with a bright red or purple color, are likely to be experiencing inflammation and disease and are in need of care. So, don’t hesitate to contact us for a visit!

Why Gum Changes Are Dangerous

Changes are dangerous because they suggest a problem with your gum health. When you treat the issue, you let your oral health spring back! When you don’t, issues can progress rapidly, leading to consequences as severe as tooth loss. So, react to signs by coming in for essential care, so you can avoid damage and get back to a healthy smile.

What You Should Do!

We remind our patients that there is no need to stress. Keep in mind that we encourage you to remain calm and to get in touch with our compassionate team. Remember, as well, that we will provide you with a relaxing visit and gentle, comfortable care for your gum health! While you may prefer to sweep the problem under the rug or hope all is well, the best choice is to come in for a checkup, so we may offer care if it necessary (which will allow you to get back to good oral health, rather than dealing with serious periodontal concerns). Call us!

See Our Team For Periodontal Care

Come in when you notice changes with the health of your gum tissue or when you see a change. Follow through on receiving the periodontal care you need from our team for a return to optimal gum health. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

North Spring:
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