How Do Dental Sealants Protect Little Smiles?

Even when children brush and floss, they may still be susceptible to tooth decay. For many kids, reaching the back teeth becomes difficult and makes the onset of cavities more likely. However, we can help children in Springfield, OH, with our preventive dental sealants.

Try Our Quiz on Dental Sealants

  1. True or False: Sealants help prevent tooth decay.
  2. True or False: They will wear away with time.
  3. True or False: Children should be brushing and flossing.
  4. True or False: Your child needs a checkup and cleaning.

Answer Key

  1. True. Applying the dental sealants involves painting a plastic coating over the molars, which are the teeth in the back of your mouth. The sealant then prevents food particles from becoming stuck between these teeth, reducing the risk of tooth decay in kids and teens. For children that have trouble brushing and flossing properly, this helps protect the smile from cavities.
  2. True. You don’t need to have them removed, they will simply wear away with time. If necessary, we can apply another coat later on to help protect smiles from cavities.
  3. True. Your little ones should be brushing their teeth twice a day for two minutes each session, and flossing each night before bed. You may need to monitor your younger children to ensure they’re cleaning their teeth properly.
  4. True. Every six months, starting with the initial visit around age one, your children should have their teeth cleaned and examined twice a year. The checkup allows us to monitor your smile for signs of cavities and misalignment. The cleaning removes plaque from the smile, protecting the smile against cavities and gingivitis. Even if our little ones brush and floss, these routine visits are still crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. If you have any questions, or if you’re ready to schedule a visit for your little ones, then contact our team today.

Does Your Child Need Dental Sealants?

Looking for quality preventive dentistry in Springfield, OH? Then give our team a call today. Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.


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