Your Smile Care Note-To-Self: Write It All Down! 

Smile care is something that you need to keep up with on a daily basis, if you are interested in keeping your grin healthy and beautiful! There are also some long-term details to keep up with. Of course, it all seems like it’s quite manageable, until you wake up and suddenly remember that you should have scheduled your checkup and cleaning three months ago! Or, you walk into the bathroom only to discover you’re out of toothpaste. To help you keep the simple (yet sometimes easy-to-forget) details in order for optimal oral health, our Springfield, OH team has one simple suggestion: Write it down!

Keep A Smile Shopping List

You’ve got your grocery list that you add to when you run out of something. However, we wonder whether you include your dental care items on there, too, or if you tend to just try to remember how much floss you have at any given moment, whether you are running low on toothpaste, when you last started a new toothbrush, and more. We suggest you add your dental hygiene items to your usual shopping list or make a separate one, so you never run out or fall behind with your daily oral health care!

Jot Down Questions, Too!

Between your visits, you will likely find that questions show up every now and then that you’d like to ask us. You tell yourself you’ll just remember to bring them up during your next dental visit. However, will you remember? Why not keep a running list going, on paper or in your phone, so you can gain all of the new knowledge you’re interested in, when it comes to smile care. Maybe you’re wondering about braces in the future, you have dental hygiene questions, or anything else! We’re always happy to give you answers!

Give Yourself Written Reminders!

Do you have trouble remembering to brush in the morning sometimes? Have you ever gone a whole day without flossing? If you’re a bit forgetful in these areas of oral health protection, remember that a very visible note that you’ll see will help you remember (and it’s so easy to do!).

Always Scribble Down Important Dates

What’s coming up? A dental checkup and cleaning? Your filling? A consultation to discuss cosmetic dental care? Don’t miss a beat! Keep a calendar and you’ll be ready and on time, every time!

Consider Easy Tips For Better Smile Care

Keep your smile care on track not only by doing your best to remember important deadlines and details but also by taking our easy suggestions into consideration! Learn more about streamlining your care during visits. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

North Spring:
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