Checking In On Your Flossing!

We understand that if you’re not certain about what to choose, if you don’t know much about technique, and if you have questions, it can make it difficult to follow through with the flossing portion of your daily dental hygiene. Fortunately, we can quickly provide you with the helpful details you’re missing, so you can feel confident about making dental floss a consistent part of your smile care at home.

About The Floss You Choose

Are you unsure about how to select dental floss for your dental hygiene? To narrow down your search, so you feel certain instead of overwhelmed, we suggest the following:

  • Choose the flavor that makes you smile, so you enjoy using dental floss
  • Choose a texture that you think you will like (if you’re not sure, try a variety, such as thread or tape until you find one you prefer)
  • Try waxed floss if you’re dealing with some tight spaces
  • Find the ADA Seal of Acceptance on the package and you’ll know you’re making a choice that will offer effective oral health care

About Your Technique

You might find this hard to believe but you should be starting off with about 18 inches of dental floss for just one flossing session! That’s because you don’t want to use the same spot of your strand over and over. Once you’ve got your dental floss ready, keep the following in mind:

  1. Floss once a day during your morning or evening dental hygiene session
  2. Carefully wrap the ends of the floss strand around your middle fingers
  3. Guide the floss throughout your smile, flossing between all teeth and then behind the teeth in the back of your smile (use your index fingers and your thumbs as your floss’s guide)

Floss Your Smile For Optimal Oral Health

If you have questions about choosing floss or how to floss correctly and comfortably, let us know during your next visit. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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