Dental Hygiene Products: Very Important Reminders

You may not spend a lot of time thinking about the collection of dental hygiene products you have amassed and that you access on a daily basis to keep your smile clean and safe! However, since we have your attention, we remind you that this aspect of your dental care is certainly something that we think about! To ensure the products you’re using are just right for you (and for your home brushing and flossing sessions), and that the items you’re selecting are working for you rather than against you, our Springfield, OH team has some simple but very helpful reminders!

Don’t Run Out!

This may seem funny to you. That is, until it actually happens to you! One second, you think you have more than enough toothpaste. The next, you open your medicine cabinet, only to find that you’re out! What to do? Well, to ensure that you don’t end up with a cavity or gingivitis, it’s a good idea to head to the store for a replacement. Remember that even missing a single dental hygiene session will give plaque the chance to become tartar, which means you become extra vulnerable to the development of problems like decay. Keep a backup on hand (or keep a running list that you check daily) going to avoid such a dilemma!

Don’t Use Expired Or Old Items

We know that you may assume you go through your dental hygiene products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, at a steady pace. As a result, it might not occur to you to check on the expiration of each item! Though, it should. This is particularly true if you tend to collect multiple types of dental hygiene products, such as more than one toothpaste, and then you switch off between them. This may cause you to take twice as long to fully use each! Simply keep a watch on the details. As a result, you’ll always be sure you’re using products that are fully effective and will provide your oral health with optimal protection.

Consider Likes And Dislikes

Remember that your daily brushing and flossing are only going to be as enjoyable as the products you select for yourself. You can create a fantastic experience with dental hygiene … or you can accidentally create a bit of a downer. Take time to occasionally make tweaks where you think it’s necessary, so you have positive feelings about brushing and flossing (which will motivate you to continue doing so and keeping your smile safe and bright!).

Make Your Dental Hygiene Experience Amazing! 

When you’re feeling like you could use some help in the dental hygiene department, we remind you that we are here to help! Come in for your regularly scheduled dental checkup and cleaning and ask for advice! Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

North Spring:
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