Don’t Let Smile Concerns Embarrass You! Come See Us!

Are you feeling particularly embarrassed about something in regard to your smile? Maybe it has something to do with your child’s teeth and, though you know a visit is the smartest decision, you’re still feeling a bit bashful. Perhaps it’s about your own smile and, though you do your best with smile care, this is one area in which you clam up. Whatever the case, remember that our Springfield, OH team always put your comfort and your oral health first. Don’t be a stranger! Instead, come on in, so we can help you get everything back as it should be.

Your Child Needs Urgent Dental Care

Yep. We totally get it. You are embarrassed because your child has a need for urgent smile care from our team and you feel like you should have been able to prevent the problem. Just in case you are not already fully aware, this is a common concern from most parents! All it seems to take is a matter of seconds for you to look in the other direction and bam! Your child manages to dislodge or break a tooth or deal with some other upsetting issue. Don’t be shy. We have seen it all and our main priority is helping your child feel good again (and to repair any damage that has occurred as quickly as possible). See us ASAP for an emergency pediatric care visit!

You Broke Something

Maybe you broke your tooth and you’re embarrassed because it’s kind of your fault (perhaps you were eating something too hard, carrying something with your teeth, or you let a cavity go on for too long without treatment). Perhaps you damaged your braces or Invisalign tray, managed to destroy your denture, etc. We understand that you cringe at the idea of having to face us and explain what happened but we remind you: Things happen! It’s okay. Keep your focus on seeing our team soon for a smile care visit, so we can fix the problem! Then, you can simply be more careful going forward.

You Never Followed Up

As mentioned, when you end up procrastinating on something you need, such as a recommendation to fill a cavity or to crown a tooth, it can lead to consequences. A treatable tooth may break before you fill it. A damaged tooth may become infected before you see us for a crown. Rather than giving into feeling guilty and ashamed, just schedule a visit. We’ll fix it! Then, use your experience as motivation to keep up with smile care, so you can maintain a healthy grin.

Skip Your Shyness And Schedule Care

Don’t give in to feelings of shyness or embarrassment when you really need dental care from our team. Instead, remember that we are compassionate and understanding and will be more than happy to help you! Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

North Spring:
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