Invisalign: Easy To Overlook Hazards!

When you receive Invisalign treatment, there are multiple facets of the experience that must remain on track in order for the system to provide you with successful results. One very important aspect to consider is keeping your trays safe, so they continue to shift your teeth appropriately and efficiently. Not sure what could derail this otherwise smooth method of aligning your smile? We ask you to keep some serious hazards in mind, so you avoid them and promote your best orthodontic care possible.

Failing To Store Your Trays At Home

Think about what can happen at home if you forget to place your Invisalign treatment trays in safe storage. They might fall on the floor and become trampled, get sneakily stolen (and ruined) by a pet, or lost!

Forgetting Storage On The Go

If you’re not careful about keeping a storage container with you when you’re not at home, you’ll be surprised by how easy it is to accidentally lose your Invisalign treatment trays. One second, you have them wrapped in a napkin at a restaurant, the next second, you’re back at work and realize your trays are probably long gone because you left them behind!

Letting Trays Become Hot

Extreme heat can change the shape of your Invisalign treatment trays, leaving them incapable of fitting and shifting your smile. As a result, you’ll require replacements. This means don’t rinse them with hot water, don’t drink very hot drinks with them in place, don’t leave them in the car, etc.

Leaving Trays In While Eating And Drinking

You’ve been instructed to remove your trays when you eat and drink, which is a serious guideline! Leaving them in your mouth can lead to damage and can even harm your smile.

Keep Your Invisalign Trays Safe

Discover more regarding best practices for Invisalign tray care, so you ensure the treatment is as efficient as possible. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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