Your Pathway To A Straighter Smile

Are you someone who is feeling more and more unhappy with your misaligned smile? If you’re hoping to achieve a straighter smile, you may be a bit surprised to find out that more than one pathway can yield a beautifully uniform grin. Before you make any assumptions about what it takes to go from a somewhat unsightly arrangement of teeth to one that is consistent and makes you feel proud, let us know you’re interested (and get started with the basics).

Cosmetic Care

Are you someone who wants a straighter smile but you don’t think you need braces? Perhaps your misalignment concerns are quite minor but not so minor that they don’t require help. We often find that patients dealing with cosmetic issues that result in inconsistent smiles feel embarrassed to ask about help. Fortunately, we can address such concerns with cosmetic care! Consider the following:

  • Veneers can fill gaps, improve symmetry, and even address minor tooth rotation for cosmetic concerns
  • We can fill spaces with the use of dental bonding, so you can achieve the look of a straighter smile with cosmetic care

Orthodontic Treatments

Now, let’s say you’re dealing with a true misalignment, which means your top and bottom teeth do not fit together the way they should. This is more than a simple cosmetic concern (or a problem that only affects the way your smile looks). To promote a straighter smile and a healthy alignment, we offer orthodontic treatment. Depending on your type of misalignment concern, we may offer traditional braces (brackets and wires) or Invisalign treatment (clear aligner trays). Schedule a consultation with us, so we can get started on your care plan.


Dr. Afshan Ahmed and the team at North Spring Dental welcome you and your family to a different kind of dental care experience. Our practice is one in which you can rest assured that you will enjoy a relaxing, personalized visit. To find out more about our comprehensive general, orthodontic, and family dentistry services, call our dental office in Springfield, OH today at 937-399-3800.

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