3 Things To Be Sure Haven’t Left Your Dental Hygiene

When you come in for a dental visit and you check in with us, we talk with you about your dental care habits! We tell you all about the things you’re doing correctly, some areas that may require improvement, and you go home with clean smile and what often feels like a clean slate! What follows is likely a very dedicated approach to your dental hygiene, which includes on-target details in regard to both your methods and your products! Over the course of a few months, though, our Springfield, OH team would like to know: Are you still just as committed to the details? If you’re sheepishly shrugging your shoulders and looking around, then you just might need some helpful reminders to pop you right back on track.

#1: Add Floss Back Into Your Rotation

Have you been flossing your smile as part of your dental hygiene experience? What’s that you say? You used to but you slowly stopped and now you’re not really flossing at all? Well, our team is letting you know that today should be the day to add floss back into your rotation. Remember that this is an essential part of preventive care to protect your oral health. Without floss, you miss a significant amount of debris (including bacteria-filled plaque), which leads you down a path toward issues like gingivitis, bad breath, and cavities.

#2: If You Stopped Timing Your Brushing, Start It Up Again!

Were you timing out your brushing sessions when you began anew with your dental hygiene? However, you started to get a bit relaxed about it all and now you can’t really say for sure just how much time you spend when you brush? This can be a bad thing in one of two ways. You might brush more aggressively to compensate for rushed brushing, which can be harmful. Or, you may not be brushing enough, which leaves bacteria behind! Use your timer again, it’s worth it.

#3: Check In On Those Product Details!

Remember as you go that that quick check-in that you’re doing with your own dental care habits is something you can review for your spouse and your kids, too! These are universal suggestions that will benefit everyone’s dental hygiene and oral health. When you use products approved by the ADA, you know your toothbrush is less than four months old, and your toothpaste contains fluoride, you’re on track!

Keep Your Smile Healthy With Our Helpful Smile Guidance!

Need a little help with remaining loyal and dedicated to your usually very good habits and your good intentions for your smile health? We can help! Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

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