Straighten Your Teeth the Modern Way

Could your teeth be straighter? Would it improve the appearance of your smile? A clean, straight smile looks great in pictures, and it gives you confidence in every type of setting. Very few people’s teeth grow in straight, however. For many, there are a few crooked or overlapping teeth. In serious cases of misalignment, you’ll probably need braces to correct the issue. For many individuals, the misalignment isn’t that severe. In those cases, you can straighten your teeth the modern way, without the hassle and discomfort associated with traditional orthodontic treatment.

Invisible Aligners Are a Modern Way to Straighten

Traditional braces are uncomfortable, and they can actually cause damage to your teeth in some cases. Correcting significant alignment issues is in the best interest of your long-term oral health, but if you don’t need braces, you might hesitate to use them. Invisible aligners offer a modern solution for this problem. Invisible aligners gently push and pull your teeth into alignment over a period of time. They’re discreet, removeable, and easy to clean. If you’d like a straighter smile without braces, you should explore invisible aligners as an option.

Invisible Aligners Offer Advantages Over Braces

When you choose orthodontic braces, you may feel like you’re putting your life on hold. You’ll have this metal work in your mouth for the next couple of years, and it can be discouraging. Invisible aligners don’t create this feeling. Aligners are discreet and barely noticeable to others. You can easily remove them to clean both the aligner and your teeth. You won’t have to be restrictive with your diet either, since you can remove your aligner to eat and drink. The plastic aligner is also much more comfortable than the metal of braces.

Know How to Use Your Aligners

While invisible aligners offer fewer restrictions and more freedom, you still need to know how to use the aligners for them to be effective. Your aligners need to be worn for 22 hours each day in order for them to work effectively. You need to remove your aligner while eating or drinking anything other than water. Trapping pigment and bacteria in the aligner can cause irreversible staining or cavities to form. You’ll switch to a new aligner set every two weeks until the treatment is complete. Ask your dentist about invisible aligner options to learn more!


Dr. Afshan Ahmed and the team at North Spring Dental welcome you and your family to a different kind of dental care experience. Our practice is one in which you can rest assured that you will enjoy a relaxing, personalized visit. To find out more about our comprehensive general, orthodontic, and family dentistry services, call our dental office in Springfield, OH today at 937-399-3800.

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