Why Aligning Your Smile With Us Is Stress Free 

When you take an objective look at the idea of receiving orthodontic care from our Springfield, OH team, you realize that achieving an aligned smile is to your advantage. It helps you enjoy improved oral health, thanks to better bite balance, more effective dental hygiene, and the list goes on. Oh, and you’ll probably feel much better about your appearance! However, when you start focusing on the emotional side of things, you may worry that seeking a straighter smile may be a stressful experience. So, is it worth it, you wonder? The good news: We make it as stress-free as possible! Find out how.

Can You Say, Digital Impressions?

For many of the patients we meet with who are considering orthodontic care, they deal with a lot of anxiety in terms of the impressions they know they will require. If you have ever experienced traditional, putty-like impressions before and haven’t enjoyed the experience (or, if you have simply heard some unpleasant stories), we have lovely information to share! We rely on digital impressions, instead. There’s no mess and no discomfort. You don’t have to worry about sitting perfectly still the whole time either. Let us know if you’re interested, so we may tell you all about our patient-friendly iTero system for digital impressions!

Wow: The Treatment That Fits Your Needs

Perhaps you are under the impression that you are going to have to get braces, even though you would really love Invisalign treatment. On the other hand, maybe you are already aware of the fact that you need traditional braces but you worry that since clear aligner trays are so popular, you may be out of luck. Fortunately, we ensure that our patients have access to the different options they need, so remember: We offer braces, Invisalign treatment, and retainers, too.

How You’re Feeling Is (Always) On Our Minds

Sometimes, patients just feel anxious about any type of dental care. If coming to us for orthodontic care is something you’d like to do but you still feel uneasy, we remind you that your comfort, both physical and emotional, is very important to us. Talk with us about how you’re feeling, so we may ensure you have a relaxing experience.

We Explain Everything

Feeling uneasy because you hope you’ll know what to do, how to care for your orthodontic treatment, how to keep your smile aligned when you’re through, and more? Don’t worry! We will provide you with complete guidance.

Enjoy Stress Free Smile Alignment

Come in for a consultation with our team soon, if you have been considering aligning your smile. Learn all about the options we provide for you in terms of orthodontics, as well as what makes treatment with us so easy! Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.

North Spring:
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