Holiday Travel: 3 Oral Health Details To Know!

When you’re traveling for holiday time, you’re focused on all the cozy fun time ahead. In a more immediate sense, you know that it’s important to be quite detailed as you plan out what you’re taking with you and how to prep before you leave your home. This might include paying bills, locking up, pet sitters, packing, and more. However, if your oral health has not made it onto your priority list, it’s time to make it happen! Need help? We’re happy to offer it.

#1: Your Smile Doesn’t Know It’s A Holiday

You might commonly say things like, “calories don’t count today!” or “I don’t need a full eight hours of sleep” when it’s holiday time. You give yourself a playful excuse to truly just relax, indulge, and enjoy. Of course, this feels wonderful. However, remember that when it comes to your oral health, this type of reasoning will probably only land you in trouble. Don’t convince yourself you can go to sleep without brushing, etc., or you may find that the gift you get from the holidays is a big cavity!

#2: You Really Need A Checklist

As you probably know, making lists makes life easy when you’re about to travel! We encourage you to make a comprehensive list for everything you need and to remember to place anything related to your oral health on it. Plan out all of the products you need to pack, down to your toothbrush, for a stress-free trip.

#3: Treatment Before Travel Is Always Best!

Is there something that might be wrong with your oral health but you keep ignoring the symptoms because you’re so wrapped up in the holidays? See us before you travel, if you can, to erase any and all stress related to the possibility of dental problems when you should be celebrating.

Protect Your Smile This Holiday Season And Beyond

Keep in mind that we are always here to help you deal with your smile during daily life, during holidays, and more. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.