Why Protect Baby Teeth?

When you take a moment to think through the sometimes grueling process of getting your child to smile and participate through a tooth brushing and flossing session, a figurative light bulb goes off over your head. Of course! you might think to yourself. Baby teeth just fall out, so they probably don’t even need to be protected! While we certainly empathize with you and admire your approach to problem solving, you’ve missed the mark. Caring for your child’s teeth from the moment the first one appears is extremely important. Take a moment to find out why!

Baby Teeth Are Little Leaders

Your child’s teeth need protection through dental hygiene (brushing and flossing) and care from us (pediatric preventive treatments). Without it, the teeth may decay. They may become brittle or form poorly. They may even break. One of the primary reasons these teeth need to remain healthy and strong is the fact that they lead the permanent teeth below into development. Baby teeth protect the growing tissue beneath them, they hold the place for the future teeth, and they guide them into successful eruption.

Baby Teeth Help With Speech And Chewing

Your little one learns how to chew (and has the ability to chew) thanks to baby teeth. Your child also learns how to properly form sounds and words thanks to the presence of baby teeth. Without them, your child will experience setbacks in speech development, as well as learning to eat.

Without Early Care, Habits Are Difficult To Form

The sooner your child learns that brushing and flossing is a part of life, the easier it will be for those habits to form naturally (and for them to last). Establish a routine for cleaning your child’s teeth as soon as you can to protect your child’s future smile.

Protect Your Child’s Smile With Pediatric Care

Learn more about the ins and outs of children’s dental care with a visit to our practice. Ready for your checkup in Springfield, OH? Schedule your appointment with North Spring Dental today by calling 937.399.3800.