Tips For Your Kiddos: National Facial Protection Month

As you know, adult professional athletes wear mouthguards to protect their mouths. Professional cyclists wear helmets. So, it stands to reason that much less experienced amateurs should probably wear some sort of protection, too, right? While this certainly applies to all ages, it most definitely applies to your children and their oral health. The reason we are talking about it right now, you wonder? Well, because April is National Facial Protection Month, of course!


Let’s Talk iTero Benefits!

Have you recently discovered through a visit at our practice that we will need to gather impressions of your smile? If so, you may have initially felt a twinge of anxiety. Fortunately, that likely lasted only about a second until we informed you that our practice utilizes the iTero scanning system, which makes for an extremely easy process of collecting impressions. Consider some truly reassuring benefits!


Pregnant? Remember 3 Smile-Related Details.

Particularly if this is your first pregnancy, you may find that you have a surprisingly long list of questions show up that you never even thought about before. One of those inquiries, of course, may be: What should I do about dental care now that I’m pregnant? If you were worried that you’re too late to take care of your smile, that maybe you need to avoid the dentist, etc., we are happy to help. As a matter of fact, you can keep on caring for teeth and gums (in fact, you need to), so let’s walk through some important details to get you started.


Spring Cleaning: 3 Ways To Clean Up Your Dental Care!

Have you gotten into spring cleaning mode just yet? As you’re doing your best to gather up motivation for all things sorting, organizing, cleaning, and more, you may wish to use some of your energy and guide it toward cleaning up your dental care, too! If you think something isn’t quite on track, then now is a wonderful opportunity to sit down, think through the details, straighten up your habits, see us, and more. Need a little guidance? Take a few directions to heart!


Spring: A Wonderful Time For Teeth Whitening

The weather is warming up and we are headed toward the arrival of spring. This means many things, including some potential changes to your social calendar. Do you feel ready to see old friends, family, and to be the subject of many a selfie and photograph? If your discolored grin is causing you to shake your head “no,” then we encourage you to consider how teeth whitening may offer the help you need. Enjoy the dramatic smile brightening improvement that will transform your smile and your confidence!


2 Tips For Keeping A Straight Smile Aligned

You come in for your final orthodontic treatment visit, revealing a beautifully aligned grin! The day has finally come and you take one look at your smile in the mirror and cannot believe how lovely it looks. While this is absolutely wonderful and the moment you’ve been waiting for, you may wonder if there’s a way to keep this alignment intact. Will it stay this way forever no matter what? Or, do you need to do something special? While you do need to remain mindful of a couple details, you’ll be pleased to learn they’re not too challenging to accomplish.


Invisalign Treatment: More Comfortable Than You Think

There may be many things that you love about Invisalign treatment as you learn more. However, you may have a nagging concern that keeps you wondering: Is prepping for this treatment, receiving it, and actually going through the day-to-day with your trays in place going to be comfortable? Or, are you going to find yourself faced with some serious discomfort and frustration? The in-a-nutshell answer you were hoping for is: Invisalign is comfortable and extremely convenient. Now, for some helpful details!


Smile Reminder For A February Celebration!

Did you know that February gives you a couple of things to smile about? “Is it Valentine’s Day?” you wonder. The answer is: Yes! That’s one of them. However, there’s something else to recognize this month that you may be overlooking. While grinning about protecting your healthy smile is certainly something you can do any time of the year, having a bit of an extra incentive to do so is always motivating. So, remember just how important it is to protect your smile with dental care by recognizing National Children’s Dental Health Month!


Smile Safe Favorites For Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is all about love, which may cause you to wonder why the way we celebrate is often not so loving toward our smiles! True, it is quite lovely to indulge in a box of candies but did you ever wonder if there was some way to celebrate this holiday without going overboard on the sugar and other not-so-good-for-your-smile treats? As a matter of fact, we have some helpful suggestions that are safe for your smile health and festive. Whether you want to treat yourself or give a gift, we can help!


Children’s Dentistry: Always Ask Questions First

While we can easily ascertain from you what’s wrong, why you’re having trouble with your oral health, and more, children do not always have the vocabulary, experience, etc. to help us connect the dots so easily. As you know, this can make your experience with smile care at home more of a challenge, too. Let us help you navigate potential children’s dentistry concerns with greater ease! First things first: Always remember to ask questions.
