Category: General Dentistry

Helpful Christmas Reminders To Keep Your Smile Safe!

As Christmas inches closer and closer, you have lots on your mind, a ton to take care of, and you’re doing your best to keep a smile on your face! While there may be a seriously long list to work your way through, the goal is to have a lovely, joy-filled holiday, of course. With… Read more »

Best Of The Best 2018!

Ready for some of the best news ever? Our Springfield, OH practice won Best Of The Best in Springfield in the “best dentist/orthodontist” and “best employer” categories! We could not be more thrilled and, of course, have you (our loyal and lovely patients) to thank for making up our dental care family! We are so… Read more »

Dental Care: When A Case of The “What If” Questions Hits!

If there’s one thing that is very true about patients, it’s that a case of the “what if” questions is something that can affect anyone and that can leave you wondering what on earth you should do for your smile. As any type of uncertainty or anxiety grows, it may cause you to shy away… Read more »

Smile Care: Your Pre-Holiday Planning List

Yes, we know that you probably don’t want yet another list for holiday time. However, we also know that you are likely secretly very happy to have a checklist to refer to, so in addition to everything else going on, you don’t overlook a very important smile care detail. Of course, this helps take the… Read more »

Yuck, Here Comes The Flu: Tips From Your Dentist!

It’s definitely not a fall favorite but it is something that we all know about and think about: It’s the flu and it’s coming our way. Yes, this autumn-associated illness is quite serious, spreads very easily, and is something you will certainly want to protect yourself and your family from getting! So, what’s your Springfield,… Read more »

Trick Or Treat? Try Our Halloween Tricks For A Safe Night!

When you’re reminiscing about your days of trick or treating (and you’re looking forward to bringing your kiddos out to have the same magical experience), we happen to be here to help. Since we are dental professionals, we aren’t planning on handing you a bowlful of sugary treats. However, we would like to offer you… Read more »

3 Things That Your Brushing Does For Your Oral Health

Of course, you’ve never questioned whether or not it’s important to brush your teeth. You’ve heard your entire life that you need to brush your smile to keep it healthy, so you brush it (and hopefully, you do so twice every day). You may even be quite careful about brushing for two minutes, which is… Read more »

We Offer So Much Dental Care Under One Roof!

You know that we offer general dental care for the entire family. You’re well aware that you can come to us for cleanings and checkups to keep your teeth healthy (and that if you end up with a cavity, you can come on in for a filling). However, you also know that these essential elements… Read more »

Wintertime Reminder: Is Your Smile Going To Be Ready?

Yes, you are correct: We usually offer you wintertime reminders about your oral health when it’s actually chilly outside! However, there are important reasons our Springfield, OH team wants you to recognize that you just might need to get planning right now. In short: If you have any dreams about your smile health, it’s appearance,… Read more »

Early Detection: The 3 Things You Really Need To Know

Early detection is a phrase you hear a lot in the dental and medical world. What patients are often unaware of at the start is the fact that this is brought up so frequently because in most cases, a disease or problem is easier to treat as it begins and more difficult to treat successfully… Read more »